Our Odoo Apps

We have developed a range of innovative Odoo apps on top of Odoo to enhance business efficiency and streamline operations. Our apps cover various aspects such as inventory management, sales automation, customer relationship management, accounting, and human resources. Each app is designed to integrate seamlessly with Odoo's core functionalities, providing a comprehensive solution for businesses of all sizes. Our team of experienced developers ensures that our apps are user-friendly, customizable, and scalable to meet the evolving needs of our clients. With our Odoo apps, businesses can optimize their processes, improve productivity, and achieve greater success in today's competitive market.

PhonePe Payment Integration

PhonePe payment integration in an Odoo webshop allows customers to make secure and convenient payments using the PhonePe digital wallet. By integrating PhonePe as a payment option, Odoo webshops can offer customers a seamless checkout experience, increasing customer satisfaction and boosting sales. The integration typically involves setting up the necessary configurations in Odoo to enable PhonePe payments, providing customers with a fast and reliable payment method.

Inventory Valuation Report By Location

The Odoo app Inventory Report by Location provides a detailed inventory report for a specific location and its child locations. This report displays the inventory levels and quantities for each location, allowing users to easily track and manage their inventory across different warehouse locations. It offers a comprehensive overview of the stock levels, making it easier for businesses to make informed decisions regarding their inventory management.

Paystack Payment Gateway Integration

The Odoo app Paystack payment gateway integration with Odoo ecommerce allows users to seamlessly accept online payments through the Paystack payment gateway on their Odoo ecommerce website. This integration provides a secure and convenient way for customers to make payments, enhancing the overall shopping experience. With Paystack integration, businesses can easily manage transactions, track payments, and streamline their online sales process within the Odoo platform.

Dynamic Customer Portal

The dynamic customer portal is a versatile platform that enables users to configure dynamic models and their related fields. This portal offers a range of options such as sorting, searching, and groupings, providing users with a customizable and efficient way to interact with the system.

Website Page Custom HTML Code

By default odoo only allows to add custom code on all website pages. This module allows website adminstrator to insert website page specific custom code inside head and body element of the page.

Odoo Portal Quick Menu Access

The Odoo Portal Quick Menu Access app is designed to help users easily navigate the menus within the Odoo portal for internal view. With this app, users can quickly access the various menus and sections of the Odoo portal, making it easier to find the information they need efficiently.